
There are nine different periods in Johann Sebastian Bach's life. 
Eisenach  1685-1695
Ohrdruf  1695-1700
Luneburg  1700-1702
Weimar  1703
Arnstadt  1703-1707
Muhlhausen  1707-1708
Cothen  1717-1723
Leipzig  1723-1750

Eisenach 1685-1695
Johann Sebastian Bach was born on the 21 March 1685 in Eisenach, Germany.
His fathers name was Johann Ambrosius, court trumpeter for the Duke of Eisenach and director of the musicians of the town of Eisenach in Thuringia. Johann Ambrosius(father) taught him the violin and the harpsichord and hid famous uncle called Johann Christoph Bach, who was then organist at the Georgenkirche in Eisenach.
When he was eight years old he when to a old school, he was taught how to read and how to write, Latin grammar, and a great deal of scripture, both in Latin and German.
When he was nine his mother died and barely nine months later his father died.
Johann Sebastian and one of his brothers, Johann Jakob, were taken into the home of their eldest brother, Johann Christoph (born l671) who had recently married and settled down at Ohrdruf, a small town thirty miles south-east of Eisenach. 

Ohrdruf  1695-1700